姓 名: 刘贵燕
性 别: 女
职 称: 助理研究员
职 务:
电 话:
办公地点: 主教1724
E-mail: gyliu@cqu.edu.cn
研究方向: 软件定义网络,数据中心网络,5G网络切片等
刘贵燕,西南大学博士,重庆大学弘深青年教师、博士后。曾为加拿大多伦多大学访问学生,香港理工大学研究助理。研究方向包括软件定义网络,数据中心网络,5G网络切片等。相关研究成果先后表在IEEE TCC、TNSM、FGCS、IPDPS等国际主流期刊及会议。
1. G Liu, S Guo, B Li, C Chen. Joint Traffic-aware Consolidated Middleboxes Selection and Routing in Distributed SDNs, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2020.304739, 2020
2. Y Yang, S Guo, G Liu, L Yin. Fine Granularity Resource Allocation of Virtual Data Center with Consideration of Virtual Switches, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2020.102916 2020.
3. Y Yang, S Guo, G Liu, Q Wang. Joint Source Coding Rate Allocation and Flow Scheduling for Data Aggregation in Collaborative Sensing Networks, Computer Networks , 2020, 175, 1-14.
4. Y Yao, S Guo, P Li, G Liu, Y Zeng. Forecasting Assisted VNF Scaling in NFV-Enabled Networks, Computer Networks, 2020, 168: 1-13.
5. L Liu, S Guo, G Liu, Y Zeng. Priority-Based Online Flow Scheduling for Network Throughput Maximization in Software Defined Networking, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2020, 32(9): 1-15.
6. G Liu, S Guo, B Xiao, Y Yang. SDN-based Traffic Matrix Estimation in Data Center Networks Through Large Size Flow Identification, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2944823, 2019.
7. Y Zeng, S Guo, G Liu, P Li, Y Yang. Energy-efficient Device Activation, Rule Installation and Data Transmission in Software Defined DCNs, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, DOI 10.1109/TCC.2019.2947900, 2019.
8. P Li, S Guo, C Pan, L Yang, G Liu, Y Zeng. Fast Congestion-free Consistent Flow Forwarding Rules Update in Software Defined Networking, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 97: 43-754.
9. Y Zeng, S Guo, G Liu. Comprehensive Link Sharing Avoidance and Switch Aggregation for Software-Defined Data Center Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 91: 25-36.
10. Y Yang, S Guo, G Liu, Y Yang. Two-Layer Compressive Sensing Based Video Encoding and Decoding Framework for WMSN, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018, 117: 72-85.
11. G Li, S Guo, G Liu, Y Yang. Application and Analysis of Multicast Blocking Modelling in Fat-tree Data Center Networks, Complexity, 2018, 2018: 1-12.
12. G Liu, S Guo, Q Zhao, Y Yang. Tomogravity Space Based Traffic Matrix Estimation in Data Center Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, 86: 39-50.
13. G Liu, S Guo, H Zhao, F Wang. Intelligent Water Drops Based Joint Subcarrier Pairing and Power Allocation with Fairness in Cooperative Relay Networks, Journal of Communications and Networks, 2017, 19(1): 10-22.
1. G Liu, S Guo, P Li, L Liu. ConMidbox: Consolidated Middleboxes Selection and Routing in SDN/NFV-Enabled Networks, The 34th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) , 2020, 946-955. (New Orleans, USA, May 18-22, 2020)
2. G Li, S Guo, G Liu, Y Yang. Multicast Scheduling with Markov Chains in Fat-tree Data Center Networks, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) , 2017, 188-194. (Shenzhen, China, Aug 7-8, 2017)
3. K Mao, S Guo, Y Yang, G Liu. MRDC: Multicast Data Restoration in Fat-Tree Data Center Networks, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA) , 2016, 1500-1507. (Tianjin, China, July 8-10, 2016)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于虚拟化技术的软件定义数据中心网络架构及多播调度策略研究(在研,参与)
2. 西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项学生项目: 基于软件定义网络的转发规则管理和流量工程研究(在研,主持)
3. 西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项学生项目: 基于虚拟化技术的软件定义数据中心网络多播调度策略研究(结题,参与)
4. 西南大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项一般项目:基于电视信号无源定位的联合估计算法研究(结题,参与)