1 基本信息
姓 名:郭桃林
性 别:男
职 称:助理研究员
职 务:
电 话:
办公地点: 主教1805
研究方向: 隐私保护,网络安全等
2 个人简介:
郭桃林,重庆大学弘深青年教师,东南大学工学博士。先后在东南大学江苏省网络与信息安全重点实验室,爱游戏从事研究工作。研究方向包括(但不局限于)隐私保护、网络安全、计算机网络等。相关研究成果先后发表于Information Sciences, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design等国际主流期刊及会议。获得the 3rdInternational Conference on Cloud Computing and Security杰出论文奖。
3 学术成果
Taolin Guo, Junzhou Luo, Kai Dong and Ming Yang. Locally Differentially Private Item-based Collaborative Filtering[J], Information Sciences, 2019, 502:229-246 (SCI Index, JCR Rank: Q1,CCF B)
Taolin Guo, Junzhou Luo, Kai Dong and Ming Yang. Differentially Private Graph-link Analysis based Social Recommendation[J], Information Sciences, 2018, 463-464: 214-226. (SCI Index, JCR Rank: Q1,CCF B)
Kai Dong,Taolin Guo, Haibo Ye, Xuansong Li, and Zhen Ling. On the Limitations of Existing Notions of Location Privacy[J], Future Generation Computer Systems, September, 2018, 86(1): 1513-1522. (SCI Index, JCR Rank: Q1,CCF C)
Kai Dong,Taolin Guo, Xiaolin Fang, Zhen Ling, and Haibo Ye. Estimating the Number of Posts in Sina Weibo[J], Computers, Materials & Continua , 2019, 57(1):197-213. (SCI Index, JCR Rank: Q1)
Kai Dong,Taolin Guo, Zhen Ling, Ming Yang, and Wenjia Wu. Apson: Anonymous and Private Social Network[J], Journal of Internet Technology, 2017, 18(7): 1543-1551. (SCI Index)
Taolin Guo, Junzhou Luo, Kai Dong , Zhouguo Chen, Yubin Guo and Ming Yang. Estimating the Number of Posts in Microblogging Services[C], in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2018:283-288. (EI Index, CCF C)
Taolin Guo, Kai Dong, Lihe Wang, Ming Yang and Junzhou Luo. Privacy Preserving Profile Matching for Social Networks[C], in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data , 2018:263-268. (EI Index)
董恺,郭桃林. 申请人:东南大学. 一种基于矩阵分解的隐私保护内容推荐方法: 中国, 201811148279.2 [P]. 2018-09-29. 已受理.
4 项目